february, 2024
Course Details
Advanced Responsible Armed Citizen/ Integrated Combatives Course Led by Bill Rapier Near Ennis, TX The Advanced Responsible Armed Citizen/ Integrated Combatives Course is designed for more experienced shooters to increase their shooting,
Course Details
Advanced Responsible Armed Citizen/ Integrated Combatives Course
Led by Bill Rapier
Near Ennis, TX
The Advanced Responsible Armed Citizen/ Integrated Combatives Course is designed for more experienced shooters to increase their shooting, fighting, and integrated combatives capabilities. We will cover both fundamentals and more advanced shooting drills, situational striking from different stand-up grappling positions and ranges, stand-up grappling with weapons concepts, both strong and other strong hand use of the blade and most importantly being able to tie it all together as tactically and situationally appropriate. This is a physically demanding course and you must be healthy and have a baseline of fitness in order to participate (see our article on fitness here for more info).
february 24 (Saturday) - 25 (Sunday)
Course Contact
American Tactical Shooting Instruction LLC AmtacShooting@gmail.com