may, 2023

04mayallday4-5 May 2023 - The Amtac Shooting Modern Minuteman CourseNear Goldendale, WA


Course Details

The Amtac Shooting Modern Minuteman Course
Led by Bill Rapier
Near Goldendale, WA

This is the Modern Minuteman Course. The purpose of this course is to develop your modern day minuteman skills so you are ready and capable to navigate, shoot, communicate and survive.

You will learn the following:

  • Be able to navigate 20 miles while carrying a 25-30lbs load
  • Have a base level of bushcrafting skills
  • Be able to shoot out to 600-700 yards
  • Understand basic LOS (line of sight) communications

Day 1:
> precision rifle class/ practical
> navigation class/ practical
> basic LOS (line of sight) communications

Day 2:
> competition where you put all of these skills together

Why a competition? Because it is good to put some pressure on ourselves from time to time. Also, guys will prepare more for the course if they know that they will be able to test themselves against their peers. The competition will be self-paced, so you don’t have to be able to complete all of the tasks or navigate to all of the waypoints.


may 4 (Thursday) - 5 (Friday)

Course Contact

American Tactical Shooting Instruction LLC