november, 2023

Course Details
The Amtac Shooting NVG Level 2 Course / Fighting at Night Led by Bill Rapier Near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho at the Amtac Training Center Fighting at night. The Amtac
Course Details
The Amtac Shooting NVG Level 2 Course / Fighting at Night
Led by Bill Rapier
Near Coeur d’Alene, Idaho at the Amtac Training Center
Fighting at night. The Amtac Shooting Level 2 NVG course is designed to train solid Americans how to maximize the advantage of fighting at night time. What are the best tactics, what is the right gear, what are the best practices to maximize our chances of success? How do we shoot, move and communicate at night? In this course, we will cover:
- Day and night shooting with pistol and carbine
- Setting up your helmet and NODs
- Setting up pistol and carbine for night fighting
- Team movement at night
- Intro to day and night 2 man CQB
- Force on force runs at night
- Radio communications
- Team Tactics
- Mindset
This is a physically demanding course. You will need a baseline of fitness to participate. For this Level 2 Course, I recommend that you have spent some time on NODs before you come.
Lodging is available onsite for an additional $100 per night, payable to Amtac Shooting (please contact us by the contact form). You must reach out to us to coordinate lodging arrangements no later than two weeks before the course. See lodging photos here.
Lodging is available onsite for an additional $100 per night, payable to Amtac Shooting (please contact us by the contact form). You must reach out to us to coordinate lodging arrangements no later than two weeks before the course. See lodging photos here.
8 (Wednesday) 12:00 pm - 10 (Friday) 4:30 pm
Course Contact
American Tactical Shooting Instruction LLC